Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Tenney Gatehouse Investigation

The Tenney Gatehouse, present day.
On October 15, 2010, G.G.H. members Lynne, Mary, and Sarah attended an event at the Tenney Gatehouse in Methuen, MA hosted by D-Mentd Entertainment, LLC. They arrived at 6:30pm for a casual lecture on the field of paranormal investigation followed by a meet-and-greet with the celebrities in attendance including Andy Andrews from GHI (Ghost Hunters international), Kristyn Gartland from Ghost Hunters, and Internet sensation and author Ce Ce The Huntress.

Lynne, Sarah, Andy Andrews, and Mary
The gatehouse and Greycourt castle, 1890.
Brief History: The Tenney Gatehouse was originally a two-story rough stone farm house built by Richard Whittier in the 1830’s. In April 1882, it was purchased by the wealthy Methuen industrialist Charles H. Tenney and his wife Fanny. It was redesigned in 1883 into a gatehouse for the 76-acre Tenney estate known as Greycourt, and the family lived in it while they built their stone mansion, Greycourt Castle. The Tenney’s eventually moved back to New York and rented Greycourt Castle out as a summer manor. By 1951, the estate was abandoned as a home and sold to the Basilican Salvadorian Order who established a monastery on the site. It is during this time that a Monk named Father Nicholas Demetrius died of throat cancer inside the gatehouse, and was buried in the monks' cemetery that used to exist (but was moved) between the gatehouse and the Searle’s building next door. In the 1970’s Greycourt Castle fell into disuse and disrepair and was eventually destroyed by a series of suspicious fires. Recently, the Tenney Gatehouse was renovated by the Methuen Historical Society and is now used to showcase memorabilia from the Revolutionary and Civil War time periods, along with old photos and mementos of the Tenney estate and hat factory.

 The Investigation

2nd Floor Bedroom:
In the small bedroom located at the front of the house Lynne, Mary, and Sarah held an EVP session with Andy Andrews. Nothing was caught on the digital recorder; however Sarah did have a personal experience while sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. She asked to be touched or to have her hair pulled. Although neither of these things happened, towards the end of the session she did feel like a presence was standing behind her. A picture was taken at this moment showing an orb floating above her. Normally the G.G.H. does not pay much attention to orbs like this one (we feel it's usually dust); however the timing of the appearance of this one is notable.


While in the basement Ce Ce the Huntress allowed Sarah to hold her dowsing rods, and together they called out trying to contact Sarah’s grandfather who has past away about 8 years ago. One of the rods slowly spun towards Sarah’s face and rested on her check. Per Ce Ce this was Sarah’s grandfather making contact by giving her a kiss. Lynne also used Ce Ce’s dowsing rods to call out to her dog Sheba who passed away. Unfortunately, they did not have any success. No evidence was captured by the GGH in the basement; however other groups did get a few EVPs that we were able to listen to on Ce Ce's digitial recorder.

Ce Ce with Sarah and Lynne using dowsing rods in basement.

Ce Ce and Lynne during EVP session in basement.


Organ in the Parlor room
 The Parlor Room:
The last room Sarah, Lynne and Mary investigated was the Parlor room located on the main floor of the house. They were joined by Joe Bella, President of the Methuen Historical Society, and two members of the paranormal research group, Nightfall Paranormal. In this room there is a lovely wooden organ from Greycourt Castle. It belonged to the Tenney’s and is one of the few items to survive the devastating fire that destroyed the mansion in the 1970’s. Joe, Mary, and Sarah pretended to play the instrument in the hopes of provoking a response from any spirits in the room. It is right after they do this that the attached EVP was captured. In the recording you’ll first hear Sarah say “That was me whispering.” Then Mary asks “Can you see us right now?” After a couple of seconds (pos:9) you’ll hear the answer.... “Yes”. (NOTE: There is talking in the background from another group of people upstairs. Please disregard it.) Click Here For EVP  Immediately after this EVP was recorded, the K2 meter that Lynne was holding next to the organ began to flash inexplicably.


In conclusion the Tenney Gatehouse definitely has some paranormal activity happening within it's walls. The most activity our group had was in the Parlor room near the organ.  Along with a few orbs caught on camera, we were able to capture one EVP followed immediately by hits on our K2 meter. The GGH would like to return to this location with less people in order to do a more thorough investigation. 

Additional Pictures of the Investigation
Above: In museum room, Mary captured an orb near the fireplace. 

Below: Is a close close up of the same orb.

GGH team members: Sarah, Lynne, and Mary

Joe Bella and Sarah.

Sarah and Mike Roberts from Research: Paranormal.

Sarah, Mary and Ce Ce conducting an EVP session while in the basement.

Tim from Nightfall Paranormal and Sarah looking to debunk any readings on their EMF detectors.

Orbs floating above the organ in the parlor room.

Lynne, in the Parlor room with the K2 meter.

This picture demonstrates the "fun house affect" that many old
houses have due to their uneven floors and construction.

EVP session with EMF detector in upstairs bedroom.

A dress in the museum room.
The mirror in the back bedroom that is
said to have paranormal activity around it.

Sarah and Mary in the Parlor room.

Sarah getting silly at the end of the night.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I was about to send you gals a message to see what your findings where. NICE!! I like the blogspot page!! Especially the logo!! I hope you gals the best in any future investigations you go on.
